We get asked that question from time to time. We generally do not take monetary donations. We do not ask for monetary donations or "Love Offering" either, even when speaking at a church or organization. Churches are always surprised to hear that too. So, how can you support Strait Ministries?
If you would like to support and partner with us, please contact us.
Together, we can help those that have served (or are currently serving) in our military.
Wolf Lake Community Church, Muskegon MI
First Presbyterian Church of Perryville Missouri
First Presbyterian Church of Chester Illinois
Love Our Vets, LLC, Portland Oregon
Jensen Life Coaching, Sunnyside Washington
Armed Forces Retirement Home - Washington DC
Victory Church of Jesus Christ, Washington DC
Heart Changers Baptist Church, Silver Spring MD
American Legion Post 297, Ravenna MI
American Legion Post 70, Washington DC
American Legion Department of the District of Columbia.
Disabled American Veterans Chapter 11, Muskegon MI
Disabled American Veterans Chapter 3, Washington DC
Marine Corps League Detachment #703, Muskegon Heights MI
Second Marine Division Association
Camp Lejeune NC
Jaeger Foundation, Muskegon MI
Survivors Outreach Services
Mt. Vernon Armed Forces Reserve Center IL
REBOOT Recovery, Pleasant View TN
CORT - Collaboration of Resources & Technology, LLC. Huntersville, NC