Strait Ministries

Hope for Veterans and Their Families

How can I support Strait Ministries?

We get asked that question from time to time.  We generally do not take monetary donations. We do not ask for monetary donations or "Love Offering" either, even when speaking at a church or organization. Churches are always surprised to hear that too. So, how can you support Strait Ministries?

  • Prayer. This is the biggest need we have. We are firm believers in the power of prayer and take 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 seriously. There are many ups and downs as a missionary, and we must continue to do as those verses tell us.

  • Purchase two “Love Our Vets. Restoring Hope for Families of Veterans with PTSD” book from your local bookstore or via the internet.  Keep and read one.  Donate the other book to a veteran’s family, to a veteran service center, a local library, veterans service organization, or to your local church library.

  • Support the US Military, Veterans, and families. Show this support by flying a Made in America USA flag (can be purchased from the American Legion). Stand for the National Anthem. Pay for a veteran’s meal. Help a veterans and his/her family with an unmet need. Volunteer at your local VA Medical Center (VAMC), VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) clinic or other place that serves veterans.

  • Send us an email or card of support and encouragement.

  • Give us a phone call. We would love to sit and chat.

  • Provide our contact information and website address to your church and ask them to invite us in to speak. Again, we do not ask for money so please let them know that. Ask them to call or email us so we can begin a dialogue. We can help the church start up a military/veteran outreach or ministry.

  • Provide our contact information and website address to other groups and friends. If there is an interest there for creating a support group, then we can come out and help start one up.

  • Provide our contact information and website address to a group or organization that is organizing a conference that talks about PTSD, military, and veteran’s issues.

  • If you know a veteran and/or family that is struggling due to PTSD and their military service, please provide them our information. 

If you would like to support and partner with us, please contact us. 

Together, we can help those that have served (or are currently serving) in our military. 

Our Supporting and Partnering churches and organizations.

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